my meow tea logo redesign on a sign and a coffee cup

meow tea

logo redesign

This project is a passion project to redesign an existing logo. Meow Tea is a cat-themed cafe in Ottawa. They’ve been open since 2019. The goal for this project is to make a logo that would work for
multiple things, such as signs, merchandise, cups, hats, and even neon lights for in-store decorations, along with following the cat theme the cafe is all about. I wanted the logo to be appealing to its target audience while being simple and readable in any format.

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inspiration & Sketches

The first round of sketches consisted of dropping the designs I could think of, and I picked my three favourite ones to expand more on in the next round of sketches. I wanted the design to be simple and readable as a cat-themed cafe. The three that were picked were numbers 1, 13, and 29.

A mind map of how the thinking process worked for designing the logothe mood board for the logo design
the first 30 sketches of the logo.
The second round of 30 sketches for the logo.

The second round of sketches were different variations of the three designs selected from the first round of sketches. I have played with different text placements and filled in spaces. Ultimately, I chose to continue working on numbers 18 and number 23.


After the sketches are done, I proceed to digitize the designs. I played around with the position of the text and the typefaces. On the top right of the images, there are different variations of the main logo design that I thought could also work.

The feedback I got for this was that the majority preferred the text to be in the title case rather than capitalized. They also preferred text design 1 to not be on a curve, while design 2 had a majority voting for it to be on a curve to follow the design.

An image testing out type arrangement

After finalizing the design, I played with different colour variations. I wanted the colours to be eye-catching but relaxing at the same time. The reasonings for these colours are as follows:


To show the warmth of the tea, coffees, and baked goods that they serve.


To show that they are selling things that are both warm and cold since purple is a mix of warm and cool colour.


A relaxing colour that is reflective of the hot and cold items they are selling.


Eye-catching, and it shows the warmth of some of their products.


Colour of coffee.


It represents the cold items they are selling, such as their milk teas.

I also included other variations for the type arrangement at the bottom of the page to give more options.

testing out the logo colours for option 1
testing out the logo colours for option 2


The majority liked the combination of the purple and teal colours, but they suggested making the less important parts purple, and the important ones teal. They mentioned that it would catch the eyes more if all the major parts of the design were in a darker colour.

final version

There were two final versions of this logo. They both use the same colour palette. They are readable in colour, black and white, small, and reversed.

option 1 of the final redesign

design 1

option 2 of the final redesign

design 2


Since the first design is my favourite one, I created multiple mock-ups featuring it. It also comes with a branding guide.

The redesigned logo mocked up on a visor.
The redesigned logo mocked up on a shirt.
The redesigned logo mocked up as a neon sign.
The redesigned logo mocked up on a mug.

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Mug: Image by Vectonauta on Freepik